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Until I WIN

It is not easy to change your life from a destiny to another, if you have a problem, it will not go away by its own! It will be there, you will wake up every day facing it and it will give you hard time for the rest of your life.

Unless you deal with it. Deal with it and the soon you deal with it, the sooner you will overcome your issues, the sooner you will be rewarded for facing them and you will move to the other side of your destiny that you want for yourself, then your dreams will become realty.

Dealing with your problems repeatedly will allow you to find solutions. Do not get panic if you fail many times, if you failed then try again, and if you failed again then try again and again. There is no problem failing many times as far you are trying, because by trying you will find a solution for your problems and you will start building your dreams to become realty.

Deal with the fact that you have problem at work, deal with your kids issues, deal with your fears. DEAL WITH IT.

Most people don’t work on their dreams because they fear failure – “what if things didn’t work out for me?” or fear of success – “what if I make it but I couldn’t handle it?”. Some others feel not worthy, “what I will do now, I could do it years ago, but I didn’t because lack of confidence or I didn’t finish my high education or I let others control my destiny by shacking my self-confidence!” such thoughts will cease your mind moving forward, and it will stop you from thinking positively about your dreams.

It is necessary to know that you can choose your future, plan your destiny and develop yourself. It is necessary to know that if you want to live your dreams then get energy drainer out of your life, those who do not challenge themselves, those who do not develop their skills, those who stopped dreaming!

It is very important to surround yourself with winners, challengers, people who have big dreams, who are unstoppable towards achieving their goals; those who refuse to live ordinary life, who wants more, who want to leave valuable legacy behind them. If you surround yourself with losers, your will end up a loser.

Next step “THAT IS YOU”; no one can do it for you but YOU, even if you will face disappointments or failures. Some will fail you, and some will leave you in the middle of the road, others may work hardly against your dreams. However, it is never over, working on the ground hardly is your key to success; never let those losers pull you down. Just vision your goals, set your plans and push the accelerator to move forward without looking backward for those whom you left behind you, they choose to stay there but you should target the winning pot.

During your road to be the winner, you will face many defeats, encouragements, blames; but during this process, you will discover things about yourself that you do not know right now. What you should realize is that you have greatness within you, that you are greater than your circumstances. You do not have to live as a victim.

Think about your dream, visualize it, and think that you stay in a room full of positive dreamers. I do not believe no one that had dreams was not given the chance to accomplish them! The dreams we are holding in our mind are possible, IT IS POSSIBLE. Sometimes we cannot execute a task but we must believe it is doable; this is how you accomplish your dreams as we work toward them, as we fight to accomplish them.

It is necessary to know that others may not see it, those who complain about their lives, they will try hard to pull you back to stay with them, but you should believe that you can do it, and try very hard to push forward. Believe that you are uncommon and see it by yourself, which is necessary for your success.

However, it is necessary to be creative when you work on your ideas, to understand the importance of changing up. To live your dream, It is necessary to work on yourself, surround yourself with winners, become unique and special.

This what you should be, and this how you should work hard to accomplish your dreams, it is not over until you WIN.

© By Ahmed AlBalooshi 2017. Proudly created with WIX.COM
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